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The company's social responsibility and corporate values

time:2021-04-30 view:1025

Social responsibility

   product aspect

①Environmental protection: Our company adopts the principle of no acceptance, no manufacture, no flow out for RoHS control. Each material used in the product requires the supplier to pass the international authoritative third-party testing and certification (such as: SGS certification body), and strictly control RoHS2. 0 The restricted use of 10 hazardous substances listed in the regulations, including: lead (Pb)<0.1%, cadmium (Cd) <0.01%, mercury (Hg) <0.1%, hexavalent chromium (CrVI) <0.1%, polybrominated Diphenyl ether (PBDE) <0.1%, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) <0.1%, bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) <0.1%, tolyl butyl phthalate (BBP) <0.1%, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) <0.1%, diisoJ phthalate (DIBP) <0.1%. The daily incoming material control is based on the supplier's technical specifications and documents, and the internal IQC department conducts random inspections and quality monitoring and control. At the same time, the procurement department must specify the ROHS requirements for restraint management when signing the contract, stipulate corresponding penalties, and even use relevant laws to restrict it. ②Performance: We will continue to innovate in terms of power consumption and volume, so that we can do our best in energy saving and materials. We believe that this little force can also play a very important role with our development.

   Operational aspects:

We encourage employees to buy less or not to buy products with landfill waste; try to take public transportation or buy new energy vehicles during business trips or commuting. We plan to continuously increase the number of charging piles during the company’s development. Employees who purchase new energy vehicles are given subsidies; we have clear requirements for saving electricity and reusing paper in the daily office process, and our employees are doing their part for the society.


  Reverse design is survival, only positive design that solves needs through innovation, continuous learning and communication with customers is the long-term road to development

      dare to try

  Only when we can listen to and tolerate different voices and innovative cultures, we can develop

   dare to act

   We should encourage employees to dare to innovate and be able to assess risks to make decisions

   Dare to serve

  We want to establish long-term win-win relationships with customers, partners, employees, etc.

   Dare to share

   When we achieve success, we must share our success with our customers, employees and investors

   dare to face

  The development process is difficult, we must always maintain execution to face various difficulties

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Contact Us

  • Linkman:Liu Wei
  • Tel:+86-0519-88669981
  • Email:hyper@tm-micro.com
  • Address:5th Floor, Building 1, Fubei Industrial Park, Qingyang North Road, Tianning District, Changzhou City
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