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Senmet is committed to supporting defense and aerospace applications. While continuously transforming existing components into enhanced products, Senmet also incorporates enhanced product requirements into new designs. We select target equipment according to the requirements of aerospace and defense users and market conditions, and provide commercial and customized solutions to meet a wide range of needs in the aerospace and defense fields.

  Semmet has leading technical advantages and rich experience, from original chips to high-speed components and connector modified parts for rapid prototyping, to modules for integration/customization, to special subsystem-level design and manufacturing. In the process of technological advancement, Senmet has continuously invested a large amount of funds to support the long-term needs of aerospace/defense users. Our products include custom screening, pin-compatible replacement parts for technology upgrades, and reinforced plastic and fully sealed packages for harsh environments.

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Contact Us

  • Linkman:Liu Wei
  • Tel:+86-0519-88669981
  • Address:5th Floor, Building 1, Fubei Industrial Park, Qingyang North Road, Tianning District, Changzhou City
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