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Application field

data center

time:2021-04-28 view:1017

Today's technology requires large-scale data computing, storage, and networking. The accelerated development of artificial intelligence and machine learning is pushing high-performance computing to new levels of performance. Increasing content streams and cloud-based services support the rapid growth of hyperscale data centers. Low-latency applications, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and 5G prospects will generate demand for a large number of autonomous edge data center deployments.

  Semmet develops the following products:


  Industry power protection and DC-DC power conversion solutions designed specifically for high-density servers, storage and network equipment thermally. Our technology can improve the efficiency, density and reliability of data centers.


Comparing the specifications and performance of eFuse with equivalent traditional fuses (such as fused fuses and polymerized positive temperature coefficient (PPTC) resettable fuses), it can be seen that eFuse has a very low response time and surge current Control, can greatly reduce the current spike in the event of a circuit in the event of a short circuit.


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Contact Us

  • Linkman:Liu Wei
  • Tel:+86-0519-88669981
  • Address:5th Floor, Building 1, Fubei Industrial Park, Qingyang North Road, Tianning District, Changzhou City
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